'Stairway From Heaven': Bill Eppinger
Artworks and Images

Stairway From Heaven is a solo exhibition of work by Bill Eppinger. On view are several of Eppinger’s spiral notebooks, in which the artist records visions received from God in marker, ballpoint pen, highlighter, white-out, tape, Post-its, and paper scraps. Drawings often spill over the edges of their pages, with patchwork sections added to accommodate a growing idea, and then folded to fit back into the boundary of the book. The result is a collection of notebooks thick and heavy with almost daily entries from the past several years.
For Eppinger, resourcefulness is paramount. He curiously engages everyday objects in his work, frequently tracing his own hands, the cap of a deodorant stick, small tools, and figurines, transforming them into symbols and repeating characters that populate his world. Eppinger’s castle, painstakingly detailed with layers of hidden cardboard armature and a surface of rough packing supplies, is constructed from scraps, mostly saved from the recycling bin at his Burger King job.
In Stairway From Heaven, Eppinger’s celestial faith and earthly interest in materiality meet in surprising, mysterious and ritualistic works.
Curated by Studio Route 29