'Troll Survival Craft'
Artworks and Images
From the Marginlands our grumpy frumpy diamond shines us back a precious reflection: Troll, he lives in a different realm where a brilliant blue bog stone and a little lime green can tab top his shelf of treasures. Perhaps we may follow this path: to repair to care the things of this terrifying world we also hold to be beautiful and gentle. To lay our curious eye and hand over what comes flowing from the gigantic fountain of production, small and large.
The works in Troll Survival Craft draw on tradition, nature, and craft as well as sparkly threads from the dollar store and the trash can to pin and prod at the world, to decorate the world, to understand the world, to make the world like magpies building nests from whatever sparkles. Shrek holds Donkey hostage on a discarded photograph of a throne from the Met basement archives, a slab of yellow butter is spun into a delicate and rapidly melting pot, a tuffet's ruggy surface is tacked with charms and safety pins, a puppet buys a bear hide on facebook and tips it over a plank like Charles Ray. Can materiality be an antidote to materialism? Can our path meander down to the swamp, our way lit by earwax candles?
Curated by The Perfect Nothing Catalog